Christian English Language Camp 2011

Christian English Language Camp 2011
Group Picture

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Was This Just A Dream?

We have not written for awhile…getting everyone home took top priority.

The last day began with classes for every level. Our level played Jeopardy, which was a big hit. It was a fun review for the children. After snack, all the campers gathered for class presentations in the dining hall.

Level One read the story of The Lion and the Mouse. They had beautiful illustrations most likely made by talented Maryisa.

Level Two read the story of Noah’s Ark, complete with American Sign Language.

Level Three presented an entertaining video they made broadcasting camp news later in the evening.

The children were surprised to find out they could have free time for the second learning session so the American team could furiously pack many suitcases and bags with all our classroom supplies. One very special camper, Emelia, graciously helped us.

Our tie-dyed pillowcases were rinsed and hung this sunny morning. What a colorful sight they made hanging on the improvised line, strung by Josh. Thanks to all who donated the pillowcases. The children were very excited with their creations.

Diane, Pam, Josh, and Judy rewarded themselves on the first sunny afternoon without rain with a ski lift ride to the top of one of the ski resorts for a delightful view of the charming villages nearby. When we were surprised by a light rain on the way down the lift it didn’t bother us at all.

Evening arrived all too soon. Piot, said he did not recognize the children so he went around the circle and asked who they were. It was a costume party! Some of the favorites were; The Babuska Grandma’s, James Bond, Roaring Twenties Twins, Little Red Riding Hood, with her grandma and the wolf, mime, with our master of ceremonies Lukasz took center stage with his rendition of a babka from another country. He was most entertaining!

Randy led our worship playing the guitar and singing. The children readily joined in. They then praised God joyously again with their favorite song/videos. A video photo collage presentation by Lukasz led to laughter and tears as we prepared to say our good-bye’s. The boys and girls had a chance to dance and sign books, shirts, pillowcases, with signatures of their new friends.

The next morning many of the children stumbled out of bed at 6:30 a.m. to send off part of the American team. There were hugs and tears as the van left with the children running down the dirt road after them.

Pam, Josh, and Randy left for Germany. They had a five hour layover so they took a bus to the city of Frankfurt. It was much easier than they anticipated. They were able to eat lunch and take in a little sight-seeing. It was much better than sitting in the airport. Cathie and Emma took a flight to London to visit some relatives and friends before making their final trip back to Chicago.

Diane and I were taken to Krakow for a few more days so we can officially become tourists. More importantly, I wanted to visit the town of my grandfather’s birth just two hours away. Lukasz, Piot’s son was hired to translate for us. Edward, a member of Piot’s church drove Diane and me east to the Wies (village) of Gebiczyna. The very narrow and winding roads were beautiful. Edward and Lukasz were as excited as I. They were pretending they were on a scavenger hunt. To our amazement, the village only had one “store” about the size of small bait shop, and one church. Diane and I both were in awe of the scenery. Our car climbed into a hilly, pine forested area and emerged onto rolling farm lands overlooking pastures and crops. We kept traveling down the dirt roads and asked someone at the first house we saw if they knew of any one with the surname of Podraza. Yes! They did and it was only the next house away. We walked down the street and over a hill and knocked on the door. An old lady answered, our interpreter Lukasz, talked the fastest Polish I have ever heard. The lady, Danuta, smiled and told him I would be her cousin!! We took her back into the car to the first people and found out they were also my cousins. I couldn’t believe my feet touched the ground where not only my grandfather walked but also my ancestors.

My grandfather, Jakub Podraza lived in a log cabin on the very soil I was walking on…how cool is that?? We were invited in for tea and wafers. The air was filled with excitement as everyone tried talking at once. I now have living, breathing family I will keep in contact with in Poland!

The team has really been blessed to experience this trip. God has truly been part of our mission teaching children the English language so they will have better opportunities in our ever changing world. Piot has been an amazing pastor not only to us but to the children.

Thank you for all your prayers and donations to this wonderful cause. We hope you have been able to see Poland through our eyes and experience the wonders of God’s beautiful world.


Judy and Diane

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