Christian English Language Camp 2011

Christian English Language Camp 2011
Group Picture

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Wheatland Salem Church and Video Link

We met at Wheatland Salem Church today for the 11:00 service. Piotr and his daughter were in from Poland. The American team: Pam, Josh, Randy, Cathie, Emma and I were able to make it. Diane was in California looking at colleges for her son. Emma was so cute. She handed everyone a black-eyed susan. It was almost like it was a sign from God that we were together again. One branch with many leaves (or flowers!!). We are all God's family.

My daughter, Callie, put together a short video of some of the highlights of our experiences with the children at our Christian English camp. She put many hours of time into the 4 minutes that was the final cut. There were so many pictures, videos and was hard to choose as the camp held different experiences for each person.

Here is a link if you would like to watch it.

She reads the please comment if you like it!!

Even after a month ,the mission trip still feels so fresh. I feel so connected to both the American and Poland teams. (Modern day e-mail and facebook really helps.)

The trip made me realize we are all one church under one God. It doesn't matter what building we worship in or what language we speak. We are all God's children. Hopefully, I have made an impact on at least one child in the camp. Maybe it would be something I said or did that will make them stop and think.

It is my hope that next year I will be able to be part of this wonderful team again.
God will provide. I just hope it will help me make it to the other side of the ocean!

My hope for all of you who have followed our blog that you were able to follow our day to day activities with us. I know you have all supported us with your prayers throughout. Maybe we have touched your life somehow. Maybe you would like to join the team next year. If you would like more information on how you can do just that please don't hesitate to contact us. We would be more than happy to talk to you.

Prayerfully yours,
